
PyADi performs first order automatic differentiation (AD) via source transformation for any regular Python function f, regular meaning defined with def.

Unless a rule is defined for f in forwardad, or installed with setrule(), the abstract syntax tree (AST) is obtained with compile(), source differentiation is performed and the resulting function is compiled and loaded, all on the fly.

The source differentiation proceeds as usual in forward mode AD, very much like in ADiMat for example. For every parameter x there will be a derivative parameter d_x, which holds the derivative of x, and both are any object of the same type and inner structure. They can also be numpy arrays of the same size. This will then be propagated in the code line by line, for example:

def gplus(x, y):
    s = x + y
    return s

Is differentiated to:

def d_gplus(d_x, x, d_y, y):
    d_s = (d_x + d_y)
    s = (x + y)
    return (d_s, s)

The nice thing about source code transformation in Python is that the differentiated code is just ordinary Python code and it basically does the same things as the original code did. So when a piece of code or a function is type agnostic, the differentiated code will be too. In this example in gplus x and y can be floats, lists, or arrays, and in any case, when gplus runs, so will d_gplus.

The multiplication operators * and @ are differentiated of course with the usual arithmetic rules:

def fmult(x):
    r = sin(x)
    s = r * x
    t = s * 2
    z = 2 * t
    return z

Is differentiated to:

def d_fmult(d_x, x):
    (d_r, r) = D(sin)((d_x, x))
    d_s = ((d_r * x) + (r * d_x))
    s = (r * x)
    d_t = (d_s * 2)
    t = (s * 2)
    d_z = (2 * d_t)
    z = (2 * t)
    return (d_z, z)

The source differentiation decorates all function calls with the operators D(), and Dc(), which perform the above process, and cache the result. Thereby the source code differentiation, or resolution to a rule, is performed on the fly whenever a function is first touched and the process proceeds recursively:

def gbabylonian(x, y=1):
    if abs(y**2 - x) < 1e-7:
        return y
        r = gbabylonian(x, (y + x / y) / 2)
        return r

Is differentiated to:

def d_gbabylonian(d_x, x, d_y=0, y=1):
    if (abs(((y ** 2) - x)) < 1e-07):
        return (d_y, y)
        d_t_c0 = ((d_x / y) - ((x * d_y) / (y ** 2)))
        t_c0 = (x / y)
        d_t_c1 = (d_y + d_t_c0)
        t_c1 = (y + t_c0)
        (d_r, r) = Dc((d_gbabylonian, gbabylonian))(
                       (d_x, x), ((d_t_c1 / 2), (t_c1 / 2)))
        return (d_r, r)

In the case of a recursive function, as in this case gbabylonian, the recursive call can even pass the differentiated function directly to the Dc() operator, which, after one small further step, can proceed to call it directly.

All the actual differentiation, except for the arithmetic operators, happens in the module forwardad. This module has a mechanism to map functions being differentiated to functions in that module which compute the required derivatives. This is required for any builtin function, but can also be used to override the source transformation for any function. Users can use setrule() to add rules dynamically.

PyADi provides a generic mechanism for defining how functions are differentiated. This allows users to add own rules, augmenting the functionality or possibly redefining the entire process currently implemented in forwardad. This could be used to propagate other values than derivatives within any Python program. An example is the dummyad which tries to act as a replacement for forwardad without actually computing any derivatives.

PyADi is well-suited both for practical and educational purposes. The performance is quite good in our experience, it is relatively easy to set up and use, it is applicable to a large portion of the Python language and the differentiated code it produces can be displayed and inspected. The set of Python builtin functions covered by rules in forwardad is quite small as of yet, since we are in an early stage of decelopment.