
Make sure that Python is installed. A virtual environment using virtualenv should by used, for example, on a Debian or Ubuntu system use this command to install the basic python3 backages and virtualenv:

sudo apt install python3-virtualenv

Create a virtualenv and activate it:

mkdir ~/.venvs/
virtualenv ~/.venvs/testenv
. ~/.venvs/testenv/bin/activate

This changes the shell environment so that an isolated python environment is available by just calling python (not python3) and pip to install further packages into that virtualenv.

Installation from GitHub

Install directly from the git repository, dependencies (numpy) first:

pip install -r
pip install

Installation from Source

Clone the PyADi repository:

git clone

And change into the directory:

cd pyadi

Install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

And install the package:

pip install .

Or use the Makefile to do both:

make install